Pat Coston Movie Reviews

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Baddest Moments of Breaking Bad Season 4

Episode 4 - Hank reads in Gale's notebook "To W. W. MY STAR, MY PERFECT SILENCE".  He asks Walt who W. W. can be?  Woodrow Wilson?  Willy Wonka?  Walter White?  Walt laughs and puts up his hands "You got me!"

Episode 10 - Jesse, Mike and Gust meet with the cartel (Don Eladio) in Mexico to poison them with Zifro Anejo.  Gus, Don and associates drink it.  The effect takes 15 minutes to notice.  Gus goes to the bathroom and vomits while the cartel start passing out.  Don't security guard moves toward Don to help him but Mike puts a wire around his neck and chokes him to death.  Don sees that Gus is not struggling and lunges at him with his last bit of energy and falls into the pool and drowns.  Jesse had no idea this would happen.  He thought they were passing him off to the cartel to cook meth but Mike assured him that either they all go home or none of them go home.  Gus grabs and gun and advises Jesse to do the same. Gus yells toward the house that everyone is dead and to grab what ever they can and leave ... or fight and die.  Servants and girls run from the house carrying money and valuables. Gus begins to stumble from some of the poison in his system and Mike and Jesse help him to the front where Jesse searches to find a car with keys.  Mike and Jesse are putting Gus into the back seat when a shot rings out and Mike is hit.  Jesse immediately starts firing back and gets the shooter then helps Mike in the car and drives away.

Episode 12 - Walt is sitting in the back yard spinning his gun on the glass table. Twice it stops pointing at him and the third time it stop pointing at the plant Lily of the Valley which he will use to poison Brock in order to turn Jesse against Gus because Gus is trying to turn Jesse against Walt.  Jesse visits Saul and Huell switches his pack of cigarettes with the ricin with an identical pack without the ricin. Walt wants Jesse to think that Gus had Tyrus switch the packs in the lab so Tyrus could poison brock. It's quite genius.  Andrea calls Jesse and tells him that Brock is sick and Jesse realizes the symptoms are identical to the symptoms caused by ricin. Jesse checks his pack and sees the ricin is missing. He tells Andrea to let the doctors know it is ricin then he threatens Walt with death but Walt convinces his that Gus did it.

Season 4 Episode 13 - Gus goes to kill Tio for talking to the DEA but what he doesn't know is that Tio told them nothing. Tio visited the DEA to bait Gus so he could kill him with the suicide pipe bomb that Walt strapped under his wheel chair and wired to his bell. Gus likes to torture Tio whenever he can for example stopping by to say that he killed his cousins and nephew leaving Don's necklace as proof.  Tio hates Walt but he hates Gus even more. Gus is angry with Tio because Tio killed is close friend and meth cook. Gus and Tyrus visit Tio to inject him with poison but Tio sets off the bomb killing all of them.  Walt rescues Jesse from the lab and they burn the lab.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Baddest Moments of Breaking Bad Season 3

Episode 7 - Tuco's two cousins try to kill Hank.  Hank gets a phone call warning that he has one minute. Hank spots them in his rear view mirror.  He spots one in his rear view mirror and ducks as his rear window is shot out. Hank throws the truck into reverse and smashes one cousin between two vehicles.  The other brother shoots through the side window and Hank is hit but slips out the side. The hitman follows the trail of blood and shoots an innocent man and tries to show a woman but he's out of bullets.  He pulls out the extra clip and the hallow point bullet he got from the arms dealer, falls to the ground. Hanks jumps out and empties his gun into the hitman's chest but he is wearing a bullet proof vest.  The hitman then shoots Hank and Hank falls to the ground. The hitman is about to shoot Hank but it's too easy. He goes back to his car for the axe. Hank picks up the hollow point bullet and puts it in his gun and shoots the hitman in the head right before he swings the axe. The axe blade wedges into the pavement.

Episode 12 - Jesse tries to take revenge for the gang killing Tomas.  Tomas is the kid brother of his girlfriend Andrea. The gang had Tomas kill drug-dealer Combo (Jesse's friend) for selling in his territory. It was his initiation. Jesse realizes that the gang is making kids puppets to do their bidding. As Jesse approaches the two gang members they get out of the car. As Jesse draws his gun they both draw their guns. At that instant, Walt crashes into the two drug dealers with his car.  Walt gets out of the car and grabs the dealer's gun and shoots him with it.  Jesse can't believe what he's seen.  Walt looks up at Jesse and says "Run."

Episode 13 - Jesse kills Gale so Mike does not kill Walt since Gus will still need Walt because Gale can no longer take his place.

The Baddest Moments of Breaking Bad Season 2

Episode 1 - Tuco's gang member offends Tuco by telling Walt "Just remember who you're working for." Tuco doesn't like others speaking for him so he beats him without warning and accidentally kills him.

Episode 2 - Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse in Jesse's car. He takes them to this father's house in the middle of nowhere. Tuco wants to take them to Mexico and set up a lab. Walt and Jesse try to poison Tuco with ricin he created in episode 1 but his father warns him just in time. Tuco threatens to kill Jesse so Walt confesses. Jesse hits Tuco with a rock. They wrestle and Jesse gets his gun and shoots Tuco in the side. Walt and Jesse try to drive away but they think they see the cousins coming so they run and hide. It's actually Hank using the LoJack in Jesse's car to find the car. Tuco walks to Jesse's car.  Hank thinks Tuco is Jesse at first. They have a shoot-out and Hank kills Tuco. Walt sees Hank and runs away.  Hank is looking for Walt because he has disappeared.  Hank had put a GPS on Walt's car so he knew that he visited Jesse.  Hank could smell the meth from Jesse in the passenger seat.  Hank thought that Jesse has something to do with Walt's disappearance which is why he tracks down his car with LoJack.

Episode 7 - Hank gets promoted and transferred to work the border as a Special Agent.  Tortuga's head ends up on a turtle.  Hank gets sick and goes away to vomit while the other officers stand around and laugh ... until it blows up.  All DEO agents are killed or injured except for Hank.  One has his leg blown off.  Getting sick saved Hank's life.

Episode 9 - Walt and Jesse get stuck in the dessert when the RV doesn't start from a dead battery.  Jesse uses all their water to put out a fire.  Their mobile phone batteries go dead but it lasts long enough to get a call to Badger who attempt to find them but goes the wrong way. They try to charge the battery with a hand-crank but it doesn't work.  Walt realizes he can create his own battery to charge the battery and they finally start the TV after 2 days.

Episode 11 - Walt meets Gus for the first time at Los Pollos. Gus pretends not know what Walt is talking about.  Walt says he's been told this man he is to meet is a very careful man and that they have this in common.  Gus breaks his "nice manager" persona and suddenly becomes himself. His voice and body language instantly change and we realize Gus is a dangerous man.

Episode 12 - Walt visits Jesse while he is passed out from drugs with his girlfriend Jane. Walt tries to wake Jesse and Jane rolls onto her back then chokes on her vomit. Walt can save her but lets her die because he knows she's using Jesse for his money and she's taking up down the path of hard-core drugs. Walt needs Jesse but Jane is turning him against Walt.

Episode 13 - Janes father goes back to work as an air traffic controller while he is still grieving the death of his daughter Jane and purposely crashes two planes. The purple bear lands in Walt's pool.